
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We don't eat here when we are in the States!!!

We are back in Lima. Thank you for your prayers. You know... you go through life often on auto-pilot, and then a day like yesterday happens and you're reminded. I have married the most beautiful woman. (She'd make me change this if she saw it, but since she doesn't know how to erase things that are already posted, I'm safe!) Luciana is an amazing woman. She has really been such an example of Christ's love for our new daughter.

We decided to hire a driver to bring us back from Huaraz. I think his goal was to break some sort of speed record on those mountainous roads. Luciana sat in the back of that car for six hours (should have been at least seven. The bus ride took eight hours with NO stops.)

Lia vomited several times all over Luciana, and had a REALLY dirty diaper once. Luciana never complained. Instead, she loved our daughter more after the trip than she did before. Her compassion is being converted into love day by day. Her feelings towards the driver, on the other hand... (and with reason. We asked him to slow down several times, to no avail.)

This morning all I can say is , Ahhhhhh, It's nice to be settled into the place we will stay for the next four weeks. Isabel and Lia played with Lia's new letter magnets on the back door.
This was Isa's less than subtle hint about what she wanted to do today. We don't even eat at McDonalds in the States, but I think Isa was craving a little of something that looked familiar, even if it's what she sees as we drive by it. Fair enough.

In the past week and a half she has slept in five different places (including an airplane) and has eaten a lot of things she has never seen before. She has traveled thousands of miles, by bus, taxi, and airplane. Most importantly, she has been asked to accept a little person with all kinds of needs as her little sister, and she has done it with open arms.

Am I bragging on my family? You better believe I am.



  1. Brag away. You have the right. And you should also brag about yourself. What you are doing is heroic.

  2. I love this! Found this blog via Dawn (remember we hung out in Seattle in 2008?) and I am really blessed by following your adoption journey. And yes, McD's is like an amazing comfort when overseas. So strange, but true!

  3. personally, i think your family is pretty awesome too!!!!

  4. what a day you had.....It is amazing how Isa is such a real trooper....and Luciana has been such a support. Praying for you guys and looking forward to seeing you all and our new granddaughter. Love Dad
