
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Two Hours in our Lima Life!

What do Mr. Huamani, QuiroSalud, and under the refrigerator have in common?

They were all answers to prayer in a two hour period!

A locked bedroom, a thrown out back, and a lost bank card.

Isa locked her door, and closed it. It was 6:00 pm before I was able to get information on a locksmith. His "shop" is right on the corner of Shell St. and Porta Ave. I walked over, and there it was; a small rolling stand littered with keys. I explained my predicament to Mr. Huamani. He packed up his toolbox and walked home with me. He had the door open within 5 minutes. The charge was $13.

Like I said, I'm a big baby when it comes to pain. I decided to risk it all and walk down to one of 35 chiropractors in the country of Peru. He was only 5 blocks away. For the price of my co-pay in the States, Dr. Felipe Castro-Mendivil twisted me up like a pretzel and I walked out a changed man.

Luciana went to the grocery store today. She stopped at the ATM on her way for some money. By the time she got home she was unable to find her bank card. As we were putting the food on the table and wondering what we would do if we had to cancel both of our bank cards (since they have the same number) my mother spotted the bank card peeking out from under the fridge. It was almost completely out of view. How did it get there? Don't ask.

We all broke out in a spontaneous chorus of the Doxology.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Lia just watched us... and smiled.



  1. Such great news guys!! Good to see God showing you answered prayers so clearly!!! We need that sometimes!!! Praise God the pain is better and that you won't have financial woes on top of everything else you need to focus on! :)
