
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lia's First Video Post!

Don't blink. You might miss it. It's only 30 seconds. CLICK HERE to see a short video of Cecilia.

Why this picture? Well, our lawyer snapped it while we were being told we could not take any pictures in front of the embassy. Obviously the picture caught us all off guard!

All is well. Our Visa has been approved. Our lawyer told us that people walk out of the U.S. embassy and their relatives greet them with shouts of joy, hugs and tears. It's not easy to get a visa to the United States.

Here are Isa and our lawyer, (and good friend) Juan Carlos celebrating Lia's new visa.

I am reminded once again how good God has been to us. The woman who interviewed us even said they would expedite the visa when we told them we wished to leave on Saturday. I will return tomorrow, one last time, to the embassy to pick up Cecilia's passport and visa.

Tomorrow we move to the apartment with no internet, so we will do our best to post once or twice before we return home.

We will be returning to Chicago on Saturday night. Thanks to everyone who has made this trip possible, and to everyone who has made this trip with us. Words cannot express...

God bless.


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!! It's official!!! You're coming home!!!
    And I LOVE the video!!! You've already got her singing your songs! :) How fun!!!

    Have a great last few days there!!!! And get ready for some celebrating when you get here!!!

  2. Praise the Lord! We are so excited for you on this life journey. Praying for you...

  3. Blessings to you all. Enjoy your last days in Peru. Prayers for your trip home and thanks for "taking" us with you on your amazing journey. friends of your folks...Don and Barbara
