Lia cried the other day. If you've been to our house you are probably thinking, "That's nothing new..."
If you were her older sister you'd be thinking, "I wish she would stop crying..."
Before I go any further, let me remind you that she is a 2 1/2 years old. They tend to cry.
But this was different. I took Lia into her Sunday school class as I do every week. She knows right where it is and which door to walk through. She is always two steps ahead of me. And just like every other week, I waved and said goodby before I headed out the door. Then it happened. She cried. She ran towards me, raised her hands in the air and she cried.
Once again, jumped by my own emotions that I didn't quite understand, I said, "Oh honey, that's so good!" The other parents, who had been trying to sneak out without their toddlers noticing looked at me questioningly.
I put her down and sat with her. We played with the toys for a few minutes and I got up to leave. Again I said,"goodbye." Again, she cried. At this point the other parents who were hoping to catch at least part of the sermon, were wondering if my technique was really that bad.
But it's a little different with an adopted child. I get a pit in my stomach every time someone comments how amazing it is that she put her arms out to everyone. The big smiles and funny faces she displays for perfect strangers actually concern us.
The bonding process that happens so naturally with your own infant is a lot of work with a two year old stranger who comes to live with you; a lot of work, and so infinitely essential to her emotional and spiritual well-being.
So those tears were a sign of deep healing in her soul.
I missed most of the sermon, but I didn't mind. I can always download it some other time.
Continue to pray for Lia as she bonds with her family. Pray for us as we learn how to facilitate that bonding.